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  • Conceptual properties

  • Logical properties

  • Data types



Generation of instructions in INITIALIZATION and VERIFICATION sections, for all properties, whatever their use.


Click below for more information on generating management rules in programs (generation paragraph, and the generation point within the paragraph):


Substitution principles

  • The management rule text variables $$Id are replaced by the screen field of the property to which the management rule is assigned.

  • In the INITIALIZATION section:
    the management rule text variables $LogicalProperty are replaced by the file field of the property named LogicalProperty , if the latter belongs to the same entity as the property to which the management rule is assigned.

  • In the VERIFICATION section:
    the management rule text variables $LogicalProperty are replaced by the screen field (or by the file field if the screen field does not exist) of the property named LogicalProperty , if the latter belongs to the same entity as the property to which the management rule is assigned.

Important note: The replacement of the $$Id and $LogicalProperty variables with a screen field or a file field obeys different rules according to the variable syntax and the program type.

Click here for more information about substitution principles.




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1. Specification of the management rule:



2. Result in the program:


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