This page lets you select Visual or Web client platforms.
Depending which Adelia Studio options are selected:
- certain Visual or Web client options may be mandatory,
- this page is not displayed if there is only one possible choice.
Check boxes
Thin Web client
Check this box to be able to specify the generation settings for Adelia Web programs.
Default: checked (if the option is available).
Windows graphical client
Check this box to be able to specify the generation settings for the Windows client parts of Visual Adelia programs.
Default: checked (if the option is available).
Java graphical client
Check this box to be able to specify the generation settings for the Java client parts of Visual Adelia programs.
Default: checked (if the option is available).
Returns to the previous step in the configuration process.
Skips to the next step in the configuration process.
Closes the wizard immediately.
None of the environment's parameters are changed. However, if the user has confirmed steps in the various pages of the wizard, any objects created (compiler settings file, directories or libraries) are not deleted.
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