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This page lets you configure the generation settings for the client part of Adelia Web programs.


The wizard requires the compilation server to be installed (locally) on the development workstation.


Data entry

Site name

Web application name.


Source directory

Directory containing the sources for the client parts.

Default setting: C:\ADELIA\<EnvName>\Web\src.


Report directory

Directory containing the Crystal Reports Web reports.

Default setting: C:\ADELIA\<EnvName>\Web\rpt.


Data displayed

Validation report

This text field displays the result of any operations performed by clicking the Validate button.




Tests the validity of the data entered. The wizard connects to the server and initializes the Web application; it:

-  checks that TOMCAT is installed,

-  saves the site in the server.xml file,

-  initializes the application's directories and copies the necessary resource files,

-  checks that the source directory exists, creating it if necessary.



Returns to the previous step in the configuration process.



Skips to the next step in the configuration process.



Closes the wizard immediately.

None of the environment's parameters are changed. However, if the user has confirmed steps in the various pages of the wizard, any objects created (compiler settings file, directories or libraries) are not deleted.


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