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The Question/Answer programming interface checks the instructions against a work context that is permanently attached to each program.


This work context forms the data environment.


The following information is held In the data environment:

  • All the fields that belong to the files specified in the data flow phase ("Views").

  • The fields in the screen or report layout.

  • Any work fields specific to the program.



To work with the list of work variables in the current program, click on the Data button in the second button panel in the Question/Answer Programming Interface dialog box.




List of all the variables in the current program, organized in groups according to their origin.

The following details are given for each variable:

    • DDS code,

    • name (or guide word),

    • length,

    • number of decimal places,

    • dimensions 1 and 2 with arrays,

    • origin.

By scrolling horizontally, you may also see the layout name, the reference field, the renamed name and the array dimension (version 4 of Adelia for AS/400).

The list is first sorted by alphabetical order of origin, then by layout name, then, within each origin group, by alphabetical order of name (guide words).


With work variables the origin will be left blank.

With file fields the file name will be given.

With screen and report layout fields the values "WORKSTN" or "PRINTER" will be given.


Only work variables can be created, modified or deleted.

You can, however, modify the guide word or name of file fields by clicking on the Rename button.

Layout fields are available for consultation only.


Multiple selection list.




Opens a dialog box that lets you create a work variable.

The variable created will be added to the list in the data environment.



Opens a dialog box that lets you view or modify the characteristics of a work variable.

Any modifications will then be propagated to the list in the data environment.

This button has no effect on file fields or layout fields. It will only be enabled if one or more variables have been selected in the list.



Opens a message box, asking you to confirm that you want to effectively delete the selected variables.
Once this option has been validated, the variable list will be updated.

This button has no effect on file fields or layout fields. It will only be enabled if one or more variables have been selected in the list.



Opens a dialog box that lets you modify the guide word or the "Rename" field in a file field.

Any modifications will then be propagated to the list in the data environment.

This button has no effect on work variables or layout fields. It will only be enabled if one or more variables have been selected in the list.



Opens a dialog box that lets you include the fields in a file.

All the fields belonging to the selected file will then be added to the list in the data environment.



Opens a dialog box that lets you exclude a specific origin.

The selected file will then be removed from the environment, and all the fields in the file will be removed from the list in the data environment.



Closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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