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The Visual/Web debugger debugs both the client part (Windows, Java) and server part (Windows, AS/400 and Java) of Visual Adelia programs (with VADELIA or SADELIA sources) or Adelia Web programs (with WADELIA source type or VADELIA generated as web service).

The Visual/Web debugger lets you display the 4GL source of the various programs being debugged, work with their breakpoints, run them step by step, and display or change variable values.


Restrictions - General recommendations

  • As a rule, there is no set limit to the number of programs that can be managed in a debugging session.
    However, with the AS/400 server parts, there cannot be breakpoints in more than nine programs at once. (VADELIA or WADELIA programs that are open in the debugger but do not have breakpoints in any of its AS/400 server parts are not counted in this total.)

  • To be able to use debugging with a program, you must have requested the necessary debugging data when the program was generated.
    This option is enabled by checking the "Debug" box:

Box checked

The debugging data is generated. The program can then be debugged.

Box unchecked

The program cannot be debugged.

  • The debugging data generation procedure produces an .xml file containing the program's Adelia debugging data, and a .pdb file for Windows client parts and each Windows server part. The .xml file is created in the client object directory. With SADELIA programs, the .xml file is created in the default directory used when generating the client parts of Visual Adelia or Adelia Web applications. The .pdb files are generated in the same directory as their corresponding client or server objects.

  • The debugger can be used remotely, provided it is installed at the same time as the Runtime. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the files containing the program debugging data are stored on site.

  • To debug a SADELIA program, the VADELIA or WADELIA program that forms the start of the SADELIA program's call chain (on the server side) must be generated in "Debug" mode.

  • To debug a Java server part, the Java Middleware daemon must have been run with the "DBG" option on the server machine.
    For further details, refer to the topic "Starting the Java Middleware Daemon" in the Java Runtime help.

  • When debugging an AS/400 server part, the Middleware connection profile used to connect to the AS/400 must have the necessary authorities to execute the STRSRVJOB command on the AS/400. This profile must be QPGMR, QSYSOPR, QSRV or QSRVBAS (or a profile with one of the above profiles as its group profile), or else have the *ALLOBJ authority.

  • The debugger is used to debug the web services generated by Adelia.
    To debug the web services, you need to configure the application server to start up debug support and attach to the 'Web service debugging' pseudo session in the Attach to a Web session box.
    You can then open the sources of your service programs and position the breakpoints then trigger the execution of the web service however suits you.


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