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To debug a web session (WADELIA programs) or a web service (VADELIA programs), select the Attach to web session option in the Visual/Web debugger window's File menu.

The debugger is used to attach to a Java application server (Tomcat, etc.) to debug a WADELIA session or a web service (via the Web Service Debugging pseudo-session).

To do so, the application server running the Adelia Web Studio applications should be booted with the JPDA debugging support, and the system property "adelia.debuggingsupport" should be defined (see example below).

Data entry

Host name

This field lets you enter the host name or IP address for the machine on which the application server has been booted.

Compulsory field.

The Sessions button corresponding to this field enables you to connect to the application server and repatriate the list of active WADELIA sessions that have started up the debugging support.

JPDA connection port

This field lets you enter the connection port for the JPDA connector. The application server must have been started in server mode, with the dt_socket JPDA connector, on this port.

Compulsory field.


The graphical list displays the WADELIA sessions in debugging mode that are active on the application server. This list displays the following, in order:

NB: The list also displays a "web service debugging" pseudo-session.

This session makes it possible to attach to debug web services generated by Adelia. It is not an HTTP session.



This button opens a debugging session for the selected Web session (or Web pseudo-session).


This button closes the dialog box without validating any changes.

To start up Tomcat with the JPDA support, define the following environment variables, and then start the application server with the "jpda start" parameters:




Tomcat installation directory.

"C:\Program Files\Tomcat" by default.


Java command line options.

For the debugger, this variable should be defined and should include the "-Dadelia.debuggingsupport" parameter.


JPDA transport mode.

You must use the dt_socket value.


JPDA address. In our case, this is a TCP/IP port number that the debugger will use to connect to Tomcat.

Port 8000 is often reserved for this purpose.


Example of script (.bat) starting the Tomcat (4.x) application server with JPDA support on port 8000:

@echo off

set CATALINA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Tomcat

set JAVA_OPTS=-Dadelia.debuggingsupport

set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket


call "%CATALINA_HOME%\bin\catalina.bat" jpda start

Alternatively, you can copy the startup.bat file to startup_jpda.bat and add the following lines:



rem Enable Adelia debugging support

rem --------------------------------------

set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dadelia.debuggingsupport

set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket


call "%EXECUTABLE%" jpda start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%


To start Tomcat as a Windows service, you must configure the options found in 'Java Options' in the Java tab of the Tomcat properties window. The options are filled in on three different lines:




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