This function calls the standard multiple file selection window.
Windows client,
Java client,
Adelia Cloud client.
Name of the current window. |
ALPHA(n) |
Title |
Window title. |
ALPHA(n) |
FilterType |
Name associated with the Filter filter. |
ALPHA(n) |
Filter |
File extension filter. |
ALPHA(250) |
FilePath |
Initial file access path. This is the path shown in the "File name" field when the dialog box is opened. When the dialog box is closed, FilePath will contain the path selected by the user. |
ALPHA(250) |
FileArray(n) |
Array containing the names of the selected files. |
Dimension |
Dimension of the FileArray parameter (value n). |
ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation. -2 : The user closed the window, canceling the operation, 1 : The FileArray parameter dimension is too small, howeverit contains n selected files. 0 : Internal error, 1 : Operation completed successfully. |
Title = 'Select the configuration files'
FilterType = 'Configuration file'
Filter = '*.cfg'
FilePath = 'C:\config'
Dimension = 100
CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxOpenFileMultiSelection' MY_WINDOW Title FilterType Filter FilePath FileArr Dimension ReturnCode
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic
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