This function calls the standard file selection window.
Windows client,
Java client,
Adelia Cloud client.
Name of the current window. |
ALPHA(n) |
Title |
Title of the window. |
ALPHA(n) |
FilterType |
Description associated with the Filter filter. |
ALPHA(n) |
Filter |
File extension filter. |
ALPHA(n) |
FilePath |
Initial access path leading to the file. |
Size |
Size of the FilePath parameter. |
ReturnCode |
Return code for the operation: *TRUE if the user has selected a file, otherwise *FALSE. |
Title = 'Open a Configuration File'
FilterType = 'Configuration File'
Filter = '*.cfg'
FilePath = 'C:\config'
Size = 256
CALL_DLL 'VATOOLBX.DLL' 'VaToolBxOpenFileSelection' ID_WIN0 Title FilterType Filter FilePath Size ReturnCode
List of the VaToolBx functions by topic
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