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  • Call from the  Environment attributes dialog box:
    this page is used to set the AS/400 references required for the generation of public Adelia RPG programs (ADELIA type).
  • Call from the  Modify the logical level information dialog box:
    this page is used to set the AS/400 references required for the generation of private (application area level) Adelia RPG programs (ADELIA type).


It permits to indicate the name of any field reference file, the names of the file and the library in which the documentation about the AS/400 user help will be stored.

It is also used to define the library in which the generated sources will be stored and the library in which the objects compiled on AS/400 will be stored.


Middleware parameters

Data entry

IP host name

IP address of the AS/400 on which programs are to be compiled.


IP port

Listening port of the Adelia daemon run on the AS/400 (usually 910).



AS/400 profile used for connection (usually HARDISPS).


Important: This profile must contain HA2SLIB in its library list.



AS/400 password associated with the user.

Invisible data.



Second password entry in order to confirm the previous one.

Invisible data.


Check boxes

Inherit the parameters

Checked box

the fields in the "Middleware parameters" section are automatically initialized with the values indicated in the "AS/400" parameters of the ADELIWS.INI file.


These fields will then become non-modifiable.



Opens a dialog box showing the AS/400 servers detected on the network. This dialog box enables you to select a server and to check the connection parameters.


Adelia programs

Data entry

Field reference file

Directory containing the reference properties. This data item is used during screen generation, when a variable refers to a reference property.


User documentation

Name of the file containing the user documentation, and name of the library containing the file.


Job description

Name of the job description (JOBD) used for compilation jobs on the AS/400, and name of the library containing the description.


Important: This job description must contain HA2SLIB in its initial library list.


Program libraries

Name of the library containing the source files, and name of the library containing the object of the public programs generated on the AS/400.


Check boxes


Checked box

For each field concerned, it is the value indicated in the environment attributes which is taken into account.


The related field appears dimmed and cannot be modified anymore.


Note: This box is visible only if the page is called from the Modify the logical level information dialog box (call from an application area, and not from the environment).


Radio buttons


Indicates whether the object "RPG module" is to be generated in the Sources library or in the Objects library.




This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to its previous state.



This button cancels the modifications made and restores the application to the state it had when the environment was created.


Note: A click on the icon situated on the upper right-hand corner of the dialog box closes the box (keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4). If modifications were made, a confirmation screen appears.



Used to test the validity of the data entered. The wizard initiates an AS/400 connection, then verifies the access rights to the specified libraries and JOBD (or creates them if necessary).


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