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To display, create or modify the general characteristics of a class, you must either:

  • Select the corresponding option from the context-sensitive menu (or the equivalent button) in the Class tab of the Object Manager.

  • Select the General characteristics option from the Class menu of the 4GL Editor (modification mode only).

  • Select the corresponding option from the context-sensitive menu in the Repository – Classes dialog box in the 4GL Editor.

Data entry


Name of the class.

This name must be a valid class name, unique in the environment.

Length: 15 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.


Description clearly identifying the class.

Length: 50 characters maximum.

Mandatory entry.

Name of the POJO file

Name of the POJO produced when generating the class.

This name must be unique for the environment among the POJO names, the status layout codes of Adelia type programs, the object file names of VADELIA and SADELIA type programs and the class object file names of WADELIA type programs.

JSP file name produced by the Adelia Web program.

Length: 80 characters maximum.

Build component

Name of the build component with which the class is associated.

You can select the component by clicking the button to the right of the field. A sub-menu displays, and lets you select one of the following options:

    • None: Releases the class from its respective build component, after confirmation.
    • List of the user's favourite components defined in the  build component manager (only the components that can be modified by the user are displayed): Associates the class with the build component selected in the list.
    • Other: Opens a dialog box that lets you select a build component among the components that can be modified by the user. The selected class will then be associated with the selected component.

Radio buttons


The visibility of the class can be either public or private. Only the owner of the class, or a software engineer with modification authorities, can change the visibility.

A public class cannot become private if it is attached to more than one application area.

In creation mode, the visibility is by default set to private.




Opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the class, as well as the list of available management rules which can be assigned to the it.


Opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the class, in order to resequence this list by modifying the sequence numbers of the listed management rules.

This button is not active in display mode.


This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of management rules assigned to the class in order to select the management rules which will actually be used.

This button is not active in display mode.


Opens a dialog box displaying information on the current program, such as the name of the software engineer-owner, the dates and times of creation and modification.


Open a dialog box allowing you to view or set the version number of the class.


Opens a dialog box for entering a comment text which will be associated with the current class.

Enter/Create/Modify (validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the dialog box.

The various fields of the dialog box are verified. If all are valid, the class definition is updated in the database before the box is closed; otherwise, an error message is displayed.


Closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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