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This function lets you extract the constants to be translated from the programs in the current environment.


The extractor extracts all the constants from all the selected programs. It combines any constants with the same text and type, so that they will only need translating once.



To extract the constants to be translated, select the Extract option from the Constants menu in the Translation manager.



Programs for extraction

List of programs whose constants will be extracted in the Translation manager.

Program details are set out in four columns:


Program name.



Possible values:

"Up to date"            


The program's constants have been extracted and have not been modified since the last extraction operation.


"Never extracted"  

The program's constants have never been extracted.



The program has been updated since the last extraction procedure.


Type of program for extraction.


Additional description of the program for extraction.


You can select one or more programs in this list, and instruct them to be "Removed". You can remove a program from the extraction procedure using the Remove button, after selecting it in the Programs for extraction list. Alternatively, you can double-click the program you want to remove, which will have the same effect.

Extended-selection list.


Notes: You can select all the programs in the list by double-clicking a column heading.
Clicking the left mouse button once on a column heading will sort the column in ascending alphabetical order.
Clicking the right mouse button once on a column heading will sort the column in descending alphabetical order.



Preselection list showing the programs available for constant extraction.

These are the programs in the application areas checked in the Sublist - Application areas dialog box.

Program details are set out in four columns:


Program name.



Possible values:

"Up to date"            


The program's constants have been extracted and have not been modified since the last extraction operation.


"Never extracted"  

The program's constants have never been extracted.



The program has been updated since the last extraction procedure.


Type of program for extraction.


Additional description of the program for extraction.


You can select one or more programs in this list, and instruct them to be "Added". You can add a program for extraction using the Add button, after selecting it in the Programs list. Alternatively, you can double-click the program you want to add, which will have the same effect.

Extended-selection list.


Notes: You can select all the programs in the list by double-clicking a column heading.
Clicking the left mouse button once on a column heading will sort the column in ascending alphabetical order.
Clicking the right mouse button once on a column heading will sort the column in descending alphabetical order.


You can use a filter above the list to restrict what is displayed. You can use regular expressions in these filters. Once the filter has been validated, the program list is updated.


Note: The filter applied when this dialog box is opened will be the one defined in the software engineer's preferences.

If the default filter is "All", all the programs in all of the environment's application areas will be displayed. The dialog box can take a while to open in this case.

If the default filter is "None", no programs will be displayed when the box is opened. To make the programs that you want to translate appear in the program preselection list, you must first select the application areas to which they belong, by clicking the Sublist button.


Context-sensitive menus

Program preselection list

Cancel extraction

This option lets you delete all the selected programs' constants and their translations from the Translation manager. This operation cannot be undone.


Check boxes

Extract dictionary constants


The constants in the dictionary will be processed during the extraction procedure.

Not checked

The constants in the dictionary will not be processed during the extraction procedure.




This button adds the programs selected in the available program preselection list to the list of programs for extraction. Alternatively, you can double-click the program you want to add, which will have the same effect.
This button is only active when one or more items have been selected in the program preselection list.



This button lets you remove a selected program from the list of programs for extraction, replacing it in the available program preselection list. Alternatively, you can double-click the program you want to remove, which will have the same effect.

This button is only active when one or more items have been selected in the list of programs for extraction.



Opens a dialog box that lets you select the application areas whose programs are to be displayed in the program preselection list.

This option enables you to restrict this list if required, by reinitializing it on the basis of new criteria.



Extracts the constants from the selected programs in the list of programs for extraction and from the dictionary (if the relevant box is checked).


Note: When constants are reextracted (when programs have been modified), the existing constants are overwritten with the updated ones. The existing translations are maintained, as are any special merges and links.



Closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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