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Apache FOP is configured using the fop.xconf file. Click here for more details.


The first step entails retrieving a copy of this file. See MergeTransformMicroService page for more details.

This file is an XML file.


The second step entails changing or entering XML file elements according to requirements.



Value type


Default value


URL or directory

Specifies the base URL according to the relative URL which will be resolved or sets an absolute URL.

If the provided URL is absolute, it is taken as it stands.

If the URL is relative:

  • If the APE is started without the option - Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf, the base directory is calculated by taking the directory the APE is started from as a root.
  • If the APE is started with the option - Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf, the base directory is calculated by taking the provided directory as a root.


URL or directory

Specifies the base URL according to the relative font URLs to be resolved.

If this element is not entered, it takes the <base> value.

If the provided URL is absolute, it is taken as it stands.

If the URL is relative:

  • If the APE is started without the option - Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf, the base directory is calculated by taking the directory the APE is started from as a root.
  • If the APE is started with the option - Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf, the base directory is calculated by taking the provided directory as a root.


URL or directory

Specifies the base URL according to the relative URLs of hyphenation pattern files which will be resolved.

If it is not specified, handling of hyphenation patterns provided by the user remains disabled.

Disabled by default.

If the provided URL is absolute, it is taken as it stands.

If the URL is relative:

  • If the APE is started without the option - Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf, the base directory is calculated by taking the directory the APE is started from as a root.
  • If the APE is started with the option - Dcom.hardis.adelia.transformxslfoengine.fop.conf, the base directory is calculated by taking the provided directory as a root.


Whole in DPI

Resolution in DPI (dots per inch) used internally to determine the size in pixels of SVG images and bitmap images without resolution information.

72 dpi


Whole in DPI

Resolution in DPI (dots per inch) used to specify the output resolution of bitmap images generated by bitmap rendering (such as TIFF rendering) and by bitmap images generated by Apache Batik for filter effects, etc.

72 dpi



Specifies the default height and width of a page if "auto" is specified for one or both values. Use the "height" and "width" attributes on the default-page-settings element to specify the two values.

"height" 11 inches, "width" 8.50 inches


By default, the <auto-detect/> element is enabled, enabling FreeMarker to automatically detect the fonts installed on the operating system.

This feature may be time consuming in terms of XSL-FO document processing time during heavy loads.

In this case, it is preferable to disable this feature and place the fonts used in a separate directory: the <directory> element is used to tell Apache FOP which directory to look in for fonts.


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