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Triggered when the context-sensitive menu associated with the object is closed.



This event occurs after the BeforeSort event, when the user carries out automatic sorting by clicking on a column. The ACTION_SORT property is set to _COL_SORT_ACTION_AUTOMATIC on completion of the BeforeSort event.

Note: this event is not implemented in Java generation or Mobile generation.



Triggered when the context-sensitive menu associated with the object is about to be displayed.



This event occurs when the user moves a column, by dragging and dropping a column header from one position to another.

The DESTINATION_NUMBER property for the column concerned contains the new position of the column after it is moved. The property MOVE_ALLOWED authorizes or forbids movement.

Note: This event is not implemented by the Java generator.



This event occurs when the user clicks on a column header that enables sorting.

In the case where the sorting indicator for the clicked column already displays a sorting sequence, sorting is carried out in the opposite direction, otherwise sorting is carried out in ascending order. The column's ACTION_SORT property enables sorting not to be carried out, or enables performing any other sorting than the list's native sorting. The column's SORT_INDICATOR property provides the current sorting status for the column.

Note: this event is not implemented in Java generation or Mobile generation.



Triggered when a cell is selected.


Conditions for useThe LIST object containing the column must have its SELECTION_MODE property set to "_LST_SELECT_CELL".



Triggered when the text in the object changes.



Triggered when the user modifies the width of a column header using the mouse.


Note: This event is not available in Java generation.



Only available for a column with a combo box representation (the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_COMBO_BOX_REPRESENTATION").

Triggered the first time the user has expanded the list of values associated with the current element or has replaced the value displayed with another value from the list.



Triggered when the user has chosen a filter in the context-sensitive menu for filters, when the TRIGGER_FILTER_ACTION method has been called, or when a filter has been chosen in the filter definition Adelia dialog box (this definition box is displayed if the column's SelectFilter event is not supported in the program). Data filter settings are normally coded in this event, based on the value of the INTERNAL_FILTER_VALUE property.


Conditions for useThe FILTER property must be set to "_COL_MANUAL_FILTER".




Triggered when the object loses the focus.



  • Triggered when the user clicks on the object's column heading with the left mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property of the LIST object is set to "_LST_SELECT_LINE",

  • or triggered when the user clicks on a cell with the left mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property is set to "_LST_SELECT_CELL".



  • Triggered when the user double-clicks on the object's column heading with the left mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property of the LIST object is set to "_LST_SELECT_LINE",

  • or triggered when the user double-clicks on a cell with the left mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property is set to "_LST_SELECT_CELL".



Triggered when the user clicks the left mouse button over the object (triggered as soon as the mouse button is depressed).



  • Triggered when the mouse pointer is moved inside the area covered by the column heading used in the object, if the SELECTION_MODE property of the LIST object is set to "_LST_SELECT_LINE",

  • or triggered when the mouse pointer is moved inside the area covered by a cell, if the SELECTION_MODE property is set to "_LST_SELECT_CELL".



  • Triggered when the user clicks on the object's column heading with the right mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property of the LIST object is set to "_LST_SELECT_LINE",

  • or triggered when the user clicks on a cell with the right mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property is set to "_LST_SELECT_CELL".



  • Triggered when the user double-clicks on the object's column heading with the right mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property of the LIST object is set to "_LST_SELECT_LINE",

  • or triggered when the user double-clicks on a cell with the right mouse button, if the SELECTION_MODE property is set to "_LST_SELECT_CELL".


Note: This event is not available in Mobile generation for Pocket PC and Smartphone platforms.



Triggered when the user clicks the right mouse button over the object (triggered as soon as the mouse button is depressed).


Note: This event is not available in Mobile generation for Pocket PC and Smartphone platforms.



Triggered when the user selects the Filter option in the context-sensitive menu for filters. If this event is not supported in manual filter mode, selecting the Filter option calls the filter definition Adelia dialog box.

This event is normally where the display of a custom filter definition dialog box is coded, and the TRIGGER_FILTER_ACTION method is called.


Conditions for useThe FILTER property must be set to "_COL_MANUAL_FILTER".



Only available for a column with a combo box representation (the REPRESENTATION property is set to "_COL_COMBO_BOX_REPRESENTATION"). Triggered when a line is selected.



Triggered when the object is placed in focus.




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