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.Err1. IWS

(141) Certain properties partly created (at the level of an entity or a subtype entity) may have no description and/or have a length equal to zero.

.Err2. IWS AS

(241) Each "calculation expression" dummy property must have at least one formal calculation-class management rule ("CA"), assigned either to itself or to its data type (if it has one).

.Err2. IWS AS

(242) The length of a structure property must be equal to the sum of the lengths of the properties it is comprised of. This control is done during the creation in the structure property, but not during the modification of the lengths of component properties (not done on AS/400).

.Err2. IWS AS

(243) The length of a sub-element property must be consistent with the beginning of extraction and the length of the property whose sub-element property comes from (not done on AS/400).

.Avt1. IWS AS

(341) A property attached to the application area but assigned to no object of the repository is mentioned.

.Avt1. IWS AS

(342) A property attached to the application area but assigned to no object of the application area is mentioned.


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