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Adelia has a default standard codification for:

  • file names,

  • logical property names,

  • file field names,

  • associated field names,

  • guide words.

This standard is defined in functions of the USERLIB.DLL (or USERLIB15.DLL) found in the Adelia Studio installation directory.

These functions use algorithms from ADELIA/400 programs which are found in the HA#MODUTI library (up to version 6) and, from version 7.0 onwards, in the HA#MODUTI area of the knowledge base.





Default function


Creation of redundant property names (due to relationships).

Inserts the first 3 characters of the relationship's name as the property's suffix.


Creation of format and file names.

The physical file's name corresponds to the first 8 characters of the logical entity's name.
The associated logical file's name corresponds to the first 7 characters of the entity, with the suffix "L" (or "M" if the eighth character of the entity's name is already "L").

The format's name corresponds to the first 7 characters of the entity, with the suffix "F" (or "R" if the eighth character of the entity's name is already "F").


Creation of the logical property's guide word from the property's name.

Inserts the first character of the entity's name in front of the property's name if the latter is less than 15 characters long. Otherwise, replaces the first character.


Creation of the logical property's short name from the conceptual short name.

Inserts the first letter of the entity's name in front of the conceptual short name. If the latter contains 10 characters, the last one will be truncated.


Creation of the associated guide word from the logical property's guide word.

Inserts a "Z" in front of the original guide word if the latter is not 6 or 15 characters long. Otherwise, replaces the first character with a "Z".


Creation of the associated short name from the logical property's short name.

Inserts a "Z" in front of the logical property's short name if this one is less than 6 or 10 characters long. If the short name is 6 or 10 characters long, the letter "Z" replaces the first character.


Creation of the DSPF name from the layout code (FM).

From the layout's name, gives the display file's default name. This is the layout's name with the suffix "FM".


Creation of the PRTF name from the layout code (PR).

From the layout's name, gives the print file's default name. This is the layout's name with the suffix "PR".


With Adelia Studio, this standard has evolved as regards guide words, which are no longer limited to 15 characters, but can have 128.

The DLL USERLIB128.DLL corresponds to this new standard.



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