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This example illustrated the simplest application of a version manager:


  1. We have a production environment (obtained by converting a simple environment, for example) for V3, the product version currently in production.
  2. Maintenance of this version is carried out using corrections made in the correction environment. Once validated, these corrections update the production environment.
  3. The next version of the product (V4) can be produced in a development environment, itself initialized using the production environment. This development environment can also receive any corrections made to version V3.


V3 – Correction

Users must define a default correction (or select one if already created).

After any modifications have been made, corrections are set to "To be validated" status. From that point on, the objects in the correction can no longer be modified by anyone.

If a modification proves necessary, the correction can be reset to the "Available" status, thus enabling the objects to be modified again.

While the correction is in "To be validated" status, it can be tested until a user with the *VAL_COR validation authority validates it.


V3 – Production

Only administrators can create, modify or delete objects.

The generation of the PDM and programs provides the generated objects for V3 of the product.

Validating the corrections upgrades the object versions to produce the successive product versions V3.xx.


V4 – Development

When a correction is validated, if version V3.01 of an object that has been modified other than in the correction cycle (if, for example, it represents version V4.01 of the object) has to be received, the user can choose whether to receive the object anyway (in which case V4.01 will be overwritten by V3.01) or not to receive it. In this case, the user is warned that the modifications in the correction will need to be reproduced manually.


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