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To work with the properties of a logical entity, you can either:


There are three types of logical properties:

  • those resulting from LDM generation (conceptual origin);

  • those created at the logical level from conceptual properties (conceptual origin);

  • those "purely" logical (created at the logical level, with no conceptual origin).




List of logical properties classified by sequence number, with the following details for each: name, characteristic (a check mark indicates that the property is dummy), sequence number, ID number where applicable and description.

You can drag-and-drop properties to change their order in the list.

You can sort the list according to a column, in ascending or descending order, by clicking the corresponding column header.

Multiple-selection list.

    • If a logical property is private and has a conceptual origin, it will only be visible in the application area to which the original conceptual property is attached. In other application areas, you can display the property in the Sequence logical properties dialog box (cf. the Sequence button). The property is included in the file when the PDM is generated.
    • If a logical property has a conceptual origin and the conceptual property has been deleted from the CDM, it will be shown shaded in the list. It is included in the file when the LDM is generated.




This button opens a dialog box which is used to create "purely" logical properties.

The logical properties thus created are added at the end of the list: the sequence number is automatically computed according to the "highest" existing sequence number.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to display or modify the general characteristics of the selected logical property.

This button is not active when no logical property is selected in the list.



This button opens a message box for confirming the final deletion of the selected logical properties.

When the deletion is validated, the list of logical properties is updated accordingly.

This button is not active when no logical property is selected in the list.



This option opens the dialog box which is used to copy the selected logical property.

The logical properties thus created are added at the end of the list: the sequence number is automatically computed according to the "highest" existing sequence number.

This button is not active when no logical property is selected in the list.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to import one or several logical properties from a different logical entity.

The logical properties thus created are added at the end of the list: the sequence number is automatically computed according to the "highest" existing sequence number.



This button prints the characteristics of the selected logical properties.

The printing job is submitted to the Job manager.

This button is not active when no logical property is selected in the list.



This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of properties, in order to resequence this list by modifying the sequence numbers of the listed properties.

This button is not active in display mode.



This button opens a dialog box displaying the list of logical properties which come from the selected conceptual property.

This button is not active when no logical property is selected in the list.


Cut origin tot.

This button is used to cancel the logical property's conceptual origin; the property becomes purely logical.

This button is not active when no logical property with conceptual origin is selected in the list.


Restore order

This button restores the order of the properties in the list, undoing any drag-and-drop changes.

This button is not enabled if the order of the properties was changed using the Sequence button.


Create from conceptual properties

This button opens a dialog box for creating logical properties from conceptual properties. The logical properties thus created are added at the end of the list: the sequence number (SEQ. NBR) is automatically computed according to the "highest" existing sequence number.



This button closes the dialog box.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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