(**) Add the prefix Pref_ to the parameter name in the managed configurations and their corresponding JSON file.
Multi-Scanning Scandit option
With Multi-Scanning Scandit, you can use the terminal's camera to:
These features are optional and require a paid Scandit licence. They are not currently offered in standard Reflex on-board procedures and must be incorporated in specific screens or procedures if desired. |
Note: Terminal characteristics need to be validated according to expected usage.
The following terminals have been validated: Zebra TC52/57, TC72/77, TC53/58, TC73/78. This is a non-exhaustive list. Contact your Hardis Group representative for more information.
The principle behind this is to isolate a subset of terminals used for Multi-Scanning because they will be installed, configured and maintained in a particular way.
We have built a dedicated variant of the Reflex Web Android application that incorporates Multi-Scanning Scandit.
It is installed and configured exactly like Reflex Web, with the following differences to take into account:
1. The application for download can only be found here:
It is therefore not available on Google Play Store or Reflex auto-updater.
The only possible deployment method is via installation of the downloaded file.
2. You must configure:
- The scandit_licence parameter to indicate the licence to use.
- Activate the disable_auto_update parameter by setting it to true to avoid overwriting Reflex Scandit with Reflex Legacy.
Configurations with certificates
Https specification - Auto-signed certificate or company certificate
It is possible to automate the import of auto-signed certificates in the Reflex application on the Android terminal. This does not apply to paid certificates as they already take this process into account.
Creating the keystore
The Keystore can only be created on a Reflex server that has a web role (Java is required).
Create the "keystore" using the following command (cmd or Linux):
keytool -importcert -v -trustcacerts ?file certificatename -alias certificatealias -keystore storename -provider
org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -providerpath bcprovjar -storetype BKS -storepass storepass -noprompt
certificatename: Name of the certificate file (with path if needed)
certificatealias: Alias to be assigned to this certificate.
storename: Name of the keystore file to be generated/modified.
bcprovjar: Path to the "bcprov" jar file (provided in Reflex for the web and processing roles. It is located in the $REFLEX_HOME/product/java/reflexcloud/WEB-INF/lib/ folder and its name starts with bcprov-jdk.
For example: /hardis/reflex/product/java/reflexcloud/WEB-INF/lib/bcprov-jdk15on-1.60.jar)
storepass: Keystore password
Modifying the reflexWeb.properties file
The following lines must be added to the reflexWeb.properties file:
# created truststore
# Password to access to local truststore (default changeit)
ssl_trust_store corresponds to the name of the "keystore" that you have already created or will create after this step.
ssl_trust_store_password corresponds to the "storepass" password that you have already created or will create after this step.
Then copy the reflexWeb.properties file and the keystore to the following folder on the terminal: /Hardis/Reflex/Conf/
Also add the following three lines to the start of the file:
ssl_private_store: If this option is checked, secure (SSL) connections will use the application’s certificates instead of the system's certificates (True: Auto-signed; False: Paid).
ssl_allow_all_hosts: If this option is selected, the server name will not be verified during SSL(True: Auto-signed; False: Paid).
disable_auto_update: Deactivates automatic updates and configuration.
It should be set to "False" if you want Reflex to perform the update