Characteristics | |
OS |
Configuring the terminal
We recommend configuring terminals in multi-user mode.
If using native Android keyboards (default option), you must deactivate the auto-complete and auto-correct features on the Android keyboard for the terminal (in particular, auto-changing a double space to a "full stop plus space" must be deactivated).
The scanner must be configured as follows:
- When reading a GS1 code, the first FCT1 character must not be sent.
- The scanner must replace the ASCII &x1D (Group Separator) character by the one specified in the "HF_EAN" program configuration.
We recommend you to use the '=" character as it is rarely used in bar codes. - Return the Enter key at the end of the scanned string.
We recommend configuring the bar code reader so that it uses the Intent mechanism rather than keyboard input. This will make scanning more reliable and an error beep will be emitted if the application is not available.
The configuration steps are as follows:
For Zebra terminals:
- Deactivate keyboard input.
- Activate input via Intent.
- The Intent action must be: com.hardis.wagonandroid.INJECTDATA.
- The send mechanism via Intent must be: startService
- The key for "string"-type data must be: com.symbol.datawedge.data_string.
For Honeywell terminals:
- In the Android settings, select honeywell settings / scanning / internal scanning / default profile / data processing settings
- Tick "data intent"
- Define a profile for the package:
- Fill in the following parameters:
- action = com.hardis.wagonandroid.INJECTDATA
- category = android.intent.category.DEFAULT
- package name =
- class name =
- extra key = data=com.symbol.datawedge.data_string
Selecting deployment method
You can choose between two deployment methods for the Reflex application on a terminal fleet.
If you have an MDM-type deployment tool, we recommend that you use it, because it will make deployment simpler.
Manual deployment
Click here for the manual installation without tool step-by-step guide. |
File-based deployment
Deployment via Google Play Store
Advanced configuration
- Detailed description of parameters
- Multi-Scanning Scandit option
- Configuring certificates
Click here for more information about the advanced configuration.
Information regarding the Reflex Android application
Where can I download the application?
Download source | Variant and limits |
From Google Play Store EN | The application downloaded from the Play Store is the variant called "playstore". It has the following restrictions:
It is made to be deployed by an MDM-type tool or manually for personal use. |
On the Hardis server | The application downloaded from Reflex is the variant called "legacy". It has no restrictions. |
Which version is it?
The Android application is approved with Reflex when a major update is released.
The variants are produced simultaneously and have the same version number.
The version number is displayed in the "About" section of the Play Store, in the Reflex updater and in the Android application parameters.
Which version of the Reflex server is it compatible with?
The Reflex Android application, regardless of its version, is compatible with all Reflex servers with a version greater than or equal to 9.14.
We recommend that you always use the latest version of Reflex Android.
When are Android versions approved?
Hardis approves its application according to manufacturer terminal availability and announces new Android version support as part of the release of a major Reflex update.
How can you keep the Reflex Android application up to date on your terminal fleet?
This depends on your deployment method:
- If you have a deployment tool connected to the Google Play Store: When Reflex Android is updated, the Play Store is updated. Your tool needs to be able to detect this.
- Otherwise
- Every hotfix or update installed on the Reflex server can drop a new version of Reflex Android (reflex/product/java/mobile/reflexWeb.apk).
- If you have activated auto-update, all terminals will be updated on their first connection to this server.
How to interface with third-party equipment (e.g. scanner, external application) ?
There are two ways to inject data into input fields focused on Reflex APK:
- Keyboard emulation: You don't have to do anything in particular.
- Android intent: Reflex APK provides a handling device for scanning via an intent if an input field is active, either in service mode or in broadcast mode, with the same parameters:
- The intent action is "com.hardis.wagonandroid.INJECTDATA".
- The category is "android.intent.category.DEFAULT".
- The data to send must be provided in the "com.symbol.datawedge.data_string" extra.
- In addition, the emulator shows that it is active if needed by sending the broadcasts "" and "" when the application is activated.
What is the change log?
Reflex Android Version | Changes |
14.11.1 | Scandit variant |
14.10.1 | Android 14 support |
14.9.2 | Honeywell data injection support Legacy and Play Store variant |
14.8.6 | Network flow optimised Access permissions to certificates and environments menus |
14.8.3 | Configurable sound during data inject via intent |
14.8.1 | Allowed data to be exchanged via intents. | | "playstore" and "legacy" variants created. Android Enterprise and managed configurations support. | | Improved security | | Made it possible to block sleep mode | | Android 11 support | | Desktop shortcut to access multiple Reflex environments. | | Open-Id authentication handling. | | Custom keystore for SSL certificate. |
Repair data items
Does changing the resolution in the settings cause display errors?
The Reflex session open before the change retains the previous resolution on the server.
Change the resolution setting and close the Reflex session. The new session will be displayed as desired.
Has the user authentication page failed to display?
This is most likely to occur with Open-ID-type authentication, when the Android terminal is shared with several users but is NOT configured in multi-user mode.
If this applies to you:
- Select "Use system browser" in the settings.
- Replace "logout" with "mobile_central_logout" in the following line in the conf/wagon.xml file, on the Reflex server:
<desktopApplication className="" fastRestoreTimeOutInSeconds="120" idleTimeoutInMinutes="240" logoutURL="/mobile_central_logout" name="android" onCloseGracePeriodInSeconds="-1" parameters="url/embarque"
Don't recognise the certificate when accessing the server?
If you use an auto-signed certificate, we have run into problems with their use via Android's Keystore system.
Use the Keystore application. See the paragraph "Configuration with certificates" or the parameter "Pref_Private_ssl_certificate" on the following page: Android on-board terminals.
Configuration files from \Hardis\reflex\Conf not taken into account?
Only the -legacy edition can access the \Hardis directory.
Check the names of directories and files. They are case-sensitive.