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The fourth window in the Installation program creation wizard contains all the options that apply to the install program. You can use this window to customize the creation process.


The CE installer automatically generates the necessary amount of .CAB installation files for the various configurations selected (destination system, destination processor, multilingual versions where applicable).

The files have a unique name that defines the destination platform, in the following format:

"ProductName_Version_[PPC|WCE]_[ARM|X86](_[LanguageCode])?(_UPD) ?.CAB"



  • PPC denotes an application for Pocket PC.
  • WCE denotes an application for Windows CE (standard).
  • ARM denotes an application for ARM processors.
  • X86 denotes an application for Intel processors.
  • LanguageCode denotes the language in the case of multilingual generation of a program.
  • UPD is a code denoting an update program.


For example, the installation program for the Pocket PC / Arm version of the TestApp application (version 1.0) is named "".


The update program for this application for version 1.1 is called "".

The PPC_ARM_xxx code is important because it is used to define the application in the VERCTRL update manager.



Data entry

Destination directory

Path leading to the directory into which the installation program, i.e., the .CAB file, is copied.

Default value: "D:\Product name".

Mandatory field.


Default directory

Default installation directory on the mobile device.

By default, this directory is selected on installation, or forced in the case of a Transparent installation (depending on the versions of Windows Mobile).

It is strongly recommended to comply with the Windows CE installation standard, i.e., "\Program Files\ProductName".


Check boxes

Destination system

This allows you to select the destination mobile systems for which an installer needs to be generated, i.e., Pocket PC (Windows Mobile Professional) and Windows CE.


Pocket PC

Box checked

Installers for Pocket PC type systems are generated.


Windows CE

Box checked

Installers for Windows CE general type systems are generated.


Destination processor

This allows you to select the destination processors for which an installer needs to be generated, i.e., Armv4 and Intel x86.



Box checked

Installers for machines running on ARM processors or compatible processors are generated.


Intel x86

Box checked

Installers for machines running on Intel processors or compatible processors are generated.


Integrate runtime

Box checked

This allows you to automatically install with the application the appropriate version of runtime for the selected platform.


Silent installation

Box checked

Checks whether or not the integrated runtime must be installed in silent mode. Silent installation may fail on Windows Mobile computers with a restrictive security strategy.

Available only if the Integrate runtime option is selected.



Box checked

Generates installations for the languages saved in the translation manager.


Integrated version control

Box checked

This enables automatic saving of application entry points in the update manager (VERCTRL).

This option is not available for update type installations.

Note: if you use the integrated version control, it is essential to define the logical server *VERCTRL in the client setup (Adelia.cfg), regardless of whether it is deployed with the application or whether it is present in the Windows directory of the destination machine. This logical server allows you to access the machine hosting the updates.




This button opens a Windows system dialog box that lets you choose the directory or file for the relevant field.



This button returns you to the Installation shortcut management window.



This button saves the variant's characteristics and returns you to the Installation variants dialog box.


Produce (validation)

This button validates the information entered and creates the install program.

The various details in the box are checked. If all are valid, the program creation process is run; if not, an error message is displayed.

When this has finished running, the Installation variants dialog box will reappear.



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