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The second window in the Installation program creation wizard lets you manage the processes to be run at the end of the install procedure.



Processes to be run at the end of the install procedure

List of processes to be run at the end of the install procedure. This is a series of free commands.

Note: The DB script concept is not supplied with Adelia Mobile Studio.

Single-selection list, direct input.


You can use the following substitution variables in the command lines:


Application name ("Supplier ProductName")


The application's registry key ("Supplier\ProductName")


The application version.


The application setup, set out as follows:

[PPC|WCE]_[ARM|X86](_[LanguageCode]), the language code only appears for multilingual versions.

For example, the English version of an installation compiled with multilingual support for Pocket PC (Arm) will have the following setup: PPC_ARM_En_EN.


Installation directory.


\Program Files








\My Documents


\Program Files\Accessories


\Program Files\Communication


\Program Files\Games


\Program Files\Information Manager


\Program Files\Office

















Display for a "Read me" file at the end of the install procedure:

"%CE2%\pword.exe" "%InstallDir% ReadMe.txt"


Context-sensitive menus


This option lets you create a new command line at the end of a list and opens a data entry field.



This option removes the selected lines from the job list.




This button returns you to the Installation file management window.



This button displays the Installation shortcut management window, or directly displays the Installation setup window in the case of Update / Mobile Studio type installations.



This button cancels the operation and ends the program.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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