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To modify the graphical attributes of a variable or of a constant, click the Graphical attributes button of one of the following dialog boxes:

To modify the graphical attributes of a window border, click the Graphical attributes button of the Modify the characteristics of a border dialog box.


Note: When this dialog box is used to modify a window border's graphical attributes, the Graphical attributes box is automatically checked and only the "Building the title" field can be modified.


Displayed data

Guide word

Guide word of the variable associated with the field.



Position of the field.



Building the title

List box used to position the edited field in the title bar. Specify its position in the bar (1 to the left, 2 to the left, etc.).


Data entry

Graphical length

This field is initialized with the field's real length.

The field's graphical length can be modified according to the character font used.

Enter the length directly or scroll through the existing values using the arrow buttons, and select the desired length.


Check boxes

Graphical attributes

Indicates whether graphical attributes should be generated.

The dialog box's fields can only be edited provided this box is checked.


Graphical length

This field's graphical length can only be modified when this box is checked.


Visible field

This box determines the visibility of the field after graphical generation.



Associate a variable

This button opens a dialog box which is used to modify the variable associated with the field.


Enter/Modify (validation)

The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.

The Modify button (in modification mode) validates the modifications made.

However, data is only updated in the database when one of the following dialog boxes (depending on the current object) is validated:



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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