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To open this page, click the Database tab in the Server configuration dialog box.


This tab is used to configure the databases available on the server.






List of the databases available on the server.

For each database, the list shows:

    • the database's logical name (Alias),

    • the DataBase Management System (DBMS),

    • the database connection profile,

    • the database's real name or a directory name where it is used with a Btrieve DBMS, or a URL with a JDBC DBMS,

    • a description of database.

The management functions (create, modify, delete) can be accessed using the context-sensitive menu associated with the list.




This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.



This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.



This button validates the modifications made without closing the dialog box.


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