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This menu is used to open, close and save the active layout. It can also be used to modify its general characteristics.


It also lets you work with the logical entities linked to the layout.



This option opens a dialog box which is used to open a source file in the 4GL Editor.



This option opens a dialog box which is used to work with the various properties of the window.


Work with logical entities

This option opens a dialog box which is used to work with the layout's logical entities.



This option closes the layout. If the layout has been modified since it was last saved, a message will appear, asking whether you want to save the changes before closing the layout.



This option saves the layout.

This option will only be acive if the layout has been modified.

Keyboard shortcut: F2.


Printer setup

This option opens a Windows system dialog box which is used to select and configure a printer.



This option is used to print the layout.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+P.


Attention: This option is not yet active in the initial version of the layout manager.



This option closes all the windows and exits the 4GL Editor.

If any documents have been modified since they were last saved, a message will appear, asking whether you want to save the changes before closing them.

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.


List of the documents recently opened

This list shows the names of the most recently opened documents:

    • document of the active window (first document in the list),

    • documents of inactive windows,

    • documents that have been opened then closed again.

The list can display up to nine documents.

If you click the name of a document, its window will be activated (if it is already open), or re-opened (if it is no longer open).


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