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Zoom in/Zoom out

These options are used to zoom one step forwards/backwards with respect to the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Thus the apparent size of objects is maximized/minimized. The design can be viewed globally, and the objects handled with a greater accuracy.

When the highest/lowest zoom level has been reached, the corresponding option is dimmed.

Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Alt++Ctrl+Alt+-


With this option, the screen is displayed as it will be on the AS/400 terminal. All the field attributes are displayed.

To quit a test screen, just click anywhere on this screen or press any key on the keyboard.

This option is equivalent to the icon of the tool bar.

Display/Hide the spaces

When the Display the spaces option is selected, the spaces included in a character string inside a single field are replaced with a specific symbol visible on the screen.

When spaces are actually shown on the transaction, the option becomes Hide the spaces.

Display/Hide the lines

When the Display the lines option is selected, orthogonal straight lines appear as soon as you double-click to create a field. These straight lines define the location of the character to be entered. The option then becomes Hide the lines.


When this option is selected, it is "checked" in the menu. In field creation mode, a sound is issued by the keyboard with any key press. To suppress the beeper, just select this option again. It is then "unchecked".

On-line help

When this option is selected, it is "checked" in the menu. In this case, as soon as a menu is opened, the status bar is replaced with a short comment on the selected option. To suppress this on-line help, just select this option again. It is then "unchecked".

Background color

This option opens a dialog box which is used to select the background color of the screen among fourteen available colors.

This feature is only meant for the user's own comfort, and has no effect on the generated program.

The selected color is kept for each user profile.

Display a background

This option displays one of the screen designs already created in the environment as a background for the transaction being designed. This background display allows for a proper placing of the fields with respect to the background items.

This option is only active for window-type transactions; it is not available for transaction templates.

Clear background

This option clears the design of the background from the screen.

This option is only active for window-type transactions, and if a background is displayed. It is not available for transaction templates.

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