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The context-sensitive menu for the source view contains the following functions:



Cancels the most recent action. The last action performed will be shown after the option.



Restores the last action cancelled. The last action cancelled will be shown after the option.



Cuts the current selection and copies it to the clipboard.



Copies the current selection to the clipboard.



Pastes the information from the clipboard at the point immediately after the cursor.



Erases the current selection.


Go to start / end of block

This option positions the cursor at the start or end of a block.

The notion of "block" can take on several meanings according to the current cursor position.

    • Block of source code in a tree-structured source
    • Start or end of an instruction block (IF / END, DO_WHILE / REDO, etc.)
    • Start or end of a text constant, search for associated bracket, etc.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctr+^ or Ctrl+Alt+D.


Highlight occurrences of the word

This option highlights all occurrences of a word in the source code and creates quick access bookmarks in the bookmarks bar.


Keyboard shortcut: Shift+Ctr+O.


Insert/Remove bookmark

This option lets you add or remove a bookmark from the source of the program being edited, on the cursor's current line.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+F7.


Next bookmark

This option lets you move to the next bookmark.

Keyboard shortcut: F7.


Previous bookmark

This option lets you move to the previous bookmark.

Keyboard shortcut: Shift+F7.


Assign a logical server

Assigns a logical server to the lines in the current selection. A submenu lets you select a logical server from the logical server list. Lines assigned to the logical server will have a colored strip in the margin, with each color representing a specific logical server (the color is set when the logical server is created).

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+S (assigns the default logical server defined in the editor options).


Release a logical server

Releases all the lines in the current selection from the logical servers previously assigned to them.

Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+L


All these options, except the last two, can be accessed via the options in the Edit menu.


If check as you type or the object inspector are enabled, they may insert options at the top of context-sensitive menu.


  • If the cursor is positioned on a check as you type message, this message is displayed at the top of the menu with, if applicable, a sub-menu providing additional information (possible instruction syntax, etc.) or trouble shooting information.
  • If the cursor is positioned on a data environment item, the following menu options may appear:
Go to definition

Places the cursor on the item definition if it has been declared in the 4GL source, or enables the input assistant in the appropriate tab and highlights the item.


Modify item

In the case of an Adelia program, takes you directly to the variable, view or break edit dialog box.


Open item source

If the concerned item is associated with a 4GL source (program name, management rule, etc.), opens the associated source code in the editor.

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