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The 4GL Editor's tree structure is based on the use of Adelia language blocks.


The work window is split into two sections:

  • the left-hand section (or tree view) shows just the blocks (DECLARATION, INITIALIZATION, VERIFICATION, VALIDATION, etc.),

  • the right-hand section (or source view) contains the document's source.


Tree view

The left-hand section gives a summary of the document's structure and lets you handle blocks easily (creating or deleting blocks, changing the sequence, etc.).

In this section, the user mainly works using the context-sensitive menus associated with the various block types.


Source view

The user can use the right-hand section to write instructions and remarks, and select text, in order to handle it using the clipboard options (Cut, Copy, Paste).

All the clipboard options can be accessed using:


Only the tree view of a document can be used to create the following block types:


To create these blocks, you must use the context-sensitive menu in the highest-level block in the active document: PGM or MR.


The blocks in the tree view primarily allow the cursor to be quickly and easily positioned at the start of the matching blocks in the source view.

There are three ways to do this:

  • select the Access source option in the context-sensitive menu associated with the block,

  • double-click on the block's name if it is at the lowest level in the tree (i.e. no branches),

  • hold down the Shift key and double-click on the block if it contains branches.



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