To add an object to a sending, select the Add to sending option from the context-sensitive menu in either of the following dialog boxes:
Maintenance manager, Results (1 and 2) or Storage tab.
Multisource search, Results (1 and 2) or Storage tab.
It is also possible to add an object to a sending via the Add to sending option from the Selection menu in the Global comparison dialog box.
This option is not available for Folder (FLD), Exchange (EXC_S or EXC_R), Screen standard (SST) and Software engineer (SEN) objects.
Logical properties (LPR), accesses (ACC) and IBM logical fields (LOF) cannot be exchanged individually.
Exchanging a logical entity (LEN) automatically exchanges its logical properties (LPR), accesses (ACC) and IBM logical fields (LOF).
Exchanging a join entity (JEN) automatically exchanges its IBM logical fields (LOF).
An application area (APA) cannot be exchanged explicitly. It is exchanged via an object attached to it.
Notes: You can compile the sending in parallel to the search: you can create a sending in the usual way, with no need to close the Maintenance manager.
Objects can only be added to *NONE type sendings (therefore the system will only show the user the *NONE type sendings).
Check boxes
Add program descriptions
Concerns program-type objects (PGM).
Box checked |
Only the program description (DPG) is added to the dispatch. |
Box unchecked (by default) |
The program object (PGM) is added to the dispatch. The dispatch of a program includes its source and reports of course if it is a batch program with a report, as well as the management rules assigned to it. |
The box is only visible if there are program-type objects (PGM) among the objects to add to the dispatch.
List of "object" sendings for which the user has the necessary modification authorities.
Single-selection list.
Select (validation)
Validates your selection and closes the dialog box.
This button is only active when a sending has been selected from the list.
Note: If the selected object is not attached to any of the application areas involved in the sending, an application area selection box will be displayed.
Closes the dialog box without validating the selection.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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