To create or modify the general characteristics of a sending, you must either:
Select the Create or Modify option from the context-sensitive menu in the Sendings window of the Exchange manager.
Double-click a sending in the same window.
To display the details of a buffer, click either:
the Buffer button in the Create/Modify a reception dialog box.
the Details button in the Display a buffer dialog box.
Warning: In this case, the dialog box is opened in display mode only.
Displayed data
This name is automatically assigned by the application and cannot be modified.
It is comprised of the date (YYYYMMDD) followed by the sequence number of the exchange.
Data entry
Description clearly identifying the sending.
Length: 250 characters maximum.
Mandatory entry.
Machine (target)
Name of the machine which will receive the buffer.
This field is for information only, and has no effect on sending execution.
Environment (target)
Name of the environment which will receive the buffer.
This field is for information only, and has no effect on sending execution.
Buffer (target)
Target buffer of the sending.
Mandatory entry.
App. areas (of the exchange)
List of the various applications areas of the environment. With sendings containing models or most objects, you need to select the appropriate application areas before selecting the models or objects to be sent.
If the dialog box is open in display mode, this list will only contain the application areas involved in the exchange.
Extended-selection list.
Check boxes
Compatible with AS/400 transfer
Checked box |
Only the objects compatible with Adelia/400 will be sent; Visual or Web objects are excluded from the send when it is validated. However, if incompatible objects are detected while the send is being executed, then the buffer data becomes incompatible with the AS/400 transfers. |
LDM generation
This box is only active if the sending involves objects and the objects to be sent include both conceptual entity or relationship type objects and logical entity, join entity, program or task type objects (i.e. objects from the conceptual level and objects that depend on the system generating the logical level).
Checked |
The Logical Data Model will need to be generated when executing the reception, between receiving the conceptual level and receiving the logical level. Important: The final choice will be made when the reception is defined. |
Radio buttons
Click the box corresponding to the contents of the exchange in order to display, create or modify the sending's contents.
A sending can contain models or objects belonging to one or more application areas.
If the CDM box or the CDM + LDM box is checked, the Objects button is deactivated.
If the OBJECTS box is checked, the Graphs button is deactivated.
If the LDM box is checked, the Graphs and Objects buttons both are deactivated.
This button opens a dialog box displaying information on the current sending, such as the name of the software engineer-owner, the dates and times of creation and modification.
This button opens a dialog box for entering a comment text which will be associated with the current sending.
When defining a sending:
Opens a dialog box used to modify the list of exchanged graphs.
This button is only active if the sending involves, among other things, the CDM.
When displaying the contents of a buffer:
Opens a dialog box displaying the list of exchanged graphs.
This button is only active if the sending involves at least one CDM.
When defining a sending:
This button is used to modify the list of sent objects.
This button is only active if the sending involves objects.
When displaying the contents of a buffer:
Opens a dialog box displaying the list of sent objects.
This button is only active if the sending involves objects.
Enter/Create/Modify (validation)
The Enter button (in display mode) closes the dialog box.
The Create button (in creation mode) or Modify button (in modification mode) validates the choices made and closes the dialog box.
Consistency tests are performed during the validation procedure: any objects not attached to any of the selected application areas, or whose type is incompatible with the AS/400 (when this option is checked) are ignored. This check can influence the LDM generation choice.
Note: When a task is added, the programs assigned to the task are no longer added to the chosen object list (although they are obviously still sent).
This button closes the dialog box without validating the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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