To display, create or modify the list of graphs of a sending, click the Graphs button of the Create/Modify a sending dialog box.
To display the list of graphs of a sending, click the Graphs button in the Details of a buffer dialog box if the sending contains a CDM.
Note: In this case, the dialog box will open in display mode only.
Radio buttons
Graph selection
Check the radio button corresponding to the selection you want: all the graphs from the selected application areas existing when performing the sending, or simply the graphs selected hereafter (in the list).
App. areas / graphs
List of graphs associated with the application areas involved in the sending.
If the first option box is checked, all the graphs associated with the selected application areas and existing at the time the sending was performed will be sent. Any new graph created between two sendings will be automatically included in the second sending.
If the second option box is checked, only the graphs selected in the list will be sent.
Modify (validation)
This button modifies the list of the sending's graphs and closes the dialog box.
This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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