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This option lets the user restrict the constants displayed to those whose original or translated text matches the character string entered.



To run a Search on a constant's text, click the Find button in the Details tab or Translations tab of the Translation manager.


Note: The result of the selection procedure will be displayed in the Translation manager's Details and Translations tabs.


Data entry


Text to be found in the constant or its translation. You can also use regular expressions by checking the relevant box.

A filter lets you see a list of the six most recent searches.


Check boxes

Regular expressions


The search filter uses regular expressions (the * and ? characters are the two wildcards).

Not checked

The search text does not use regular expressions.




The search filter is case-insensitive.


In the former results


The constants covered by the search operation are the result of the most recent search.

If no search has been run before, it will cover the whole selection.

Not checked

The search operation covers the whole selection, and not the results of the most recent search.


Radio buttons

Search on text in (constants or translations)

Used to specify whether the search covers the constants' original text or the text of the translations in the current language.




Runs the search without closing the dialog box.

The search results are displayed in the constant list in the Details and Translate tabs.



Closes the dialog box without validating the search.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


Note: After a search, you can close the dialog box either by clicking the icon in the box's top right corner (keyboard shortcut: Alt + F4) or by clicking the Cancel button.

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