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The Sublist option in the Translation manager's extraction box and the Installation program manager's assignment box let you restrict the list of programs for extraction and the list of programs to be assigned to an installation package, respectively, according to the application areas to which they are attached.



To display the application area sublist, click the Sublist button in either of the dialog boxes below:

Note: By default, all the application areas in the current environment are checked when the dialog box is opened.



Application areas

List of all the application areas in the current environment, including their names and descriptions.

Extended-selection list.


Notes: You can select all the application areas in the list by double-clicking the left mouse button on the Application areas heading.
You can deselect all the application areas in the list by double-clicking the right mouse button on the Application areas heading.
You can select an individual application area by double-clicking the left mouse button on it.


Context-sensitive menus


This option selects the application area in the list.



This option deselects the application area in the list.



Include (validation)

Validates your selections and closes the dialog box.

Depending on circumstances:

    • The program preselection list in the Extraction dialog box will be updated on the basis of the application areas checked in the Sublist dialog box.

    • The program list in the Assign programs dialog box will be updated on the basis of the application areas checked in the Sublist dialog box.

Note: If a filter has been set, only the programs that meet the filter criterion will be displayed in the updated lists.



Closes the dialog box without validating the selection criteria.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.

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