Show differences
This option opens a second Individual comparison window, showing any differences between the two texts for the selected line.
What actually happens in this box is that the two texts are broken down into single-character lines and compared by the main source-comparison algorithm.
This option is only available if a single line is selected, and only if the text differs between sources.
Mouse shortcut: Double click on a line whose text is different between sources.
This option copies the lines currently selected in the active source into the clipboard.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+C.
Open source
This option opens the active source in a 4GL editor session, irrespective of the application area to which the object is attached.
- An error message will be returned if the software engineer does not have the necessary authorities for the application area to which the object is attached, because no 4GL editor can be opened.
- If the software engineer only has authorities for one application area, the object's source will be opened in that application area.
- If the software engineer has authorities in several application areas, an application area with write authority will be privileged.
Copy the compared block - Open the source with block selection
This option is only available if the selected line is part of a 4GL source and is different from the compared source.
This option makes it easier to reproduce changes by carrying out the following actions:
- copy lines of compared source corresponding to the difference to the clipboard,
- open the line's source in an editor, if it is not already open,
- select the lines of source corresponding to the difference in the line editor
Simply paste (Ctrl + V) to reproduce the changes corresponding to the difference presented in the comparison interface.
Caution: when changes are reproduced in an editor, you need to save the source then rerun the source comparison using the Rerun the comparison (F5) option in the differences interface. If a reproduction of changes does not involve the same number of lines of source, the positioning in the 4GL editor for the next reproduction will be incorrect (shift in line numbers).
Keyboard shortcut: F3.
This option lets you hold for correction the object whose source is currently active.
It opens a selection box showing all the corrections available to the user.
It is only available if the environment is a correction environment.
Next difference
This option lets you move to the next difference after the active line (marked by the ">" symbol). The first line in the block containing the difference becomes the active line.
This option is only available if there are one or more differences in the lines after the active line.
Keyboard shortcut: F2.
Previous difference
This option lets you move to the previous difference before the active line (marked by the ">" symbol). The first line in the block containing the difference becomes the active line.
This option is only available if there are one or more differences in the lines before the active line.
Keyboard shortcut: Shift+F2.
Rerun the comparison
This option reruns the comparison after reading the information in the two compared objects.
This option is useful if one of the objects was changed and saved (e.g. its source was changed in a 4GL editor) since the current comparison was requested.
The interface presenting the differences will be closed then redisplayed once the differences calculation is complete. The new interface will be displayed in the same place and be repositioned on the previously selected line of text.
Keyboard shortcut: F5.
This option opens a dialog box that lets you customize the source presentation characteristics and specify the Ignore spaces and tabs setting, which is used during the comparison procedure. If this setting is modified, the source comparison is re-run.
This option closes the source comparison tool.
Any changes to options (except the Ignore spaces and tabs setting) and the window size are saved on the workstation.
Keyboard shortcut: Alt+F4.
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