To access a program's source code, select the program in the top tab bearing its name, then select the Source bottom tab in the Visual/Web debugger window's workspace.
This tab displays the selected source code of the selected 4GL program in the form of a tree view based on the Adelia language's block structure.
The work window is split into two parts:
- the left-hand part (or tree view) displays the blocks only (DECLARATION, INITIALIZATION, VERIFICATION, VALIDATION, etc.),
- the right-hand part (or source view) contains the document's source code.
Tree view
The left part gives an overview of the document's structure and allows you easily go to specific parts of the program.
Source view
In the right-hand part, the 4GL source code of the selected program is displayed in text format, respecting the program's structure.
The lines of the source are classified into three categories:
- non-executable lines (e.g. remarks, declarations, etc.),
- block opening and closing lines,
- executable code lines.
Note: The "executable lines" category includes code lines and block closing lines that contain executable code (e.g. end_init, end_evt, end_procedure, etc.).
Executable lines (where a breakpoint can be inserted) are identified by the
symbol in the margin.You can enable, disable or remove a breakpoint on an executable line simply by clicking on the relevant symbol.
Code relating to logical servers is highlighted in color in the margin, as in the Visual Adelia 4GL editor.
Tree view context-sensitive menu
Go to source
This option takes you to the 4GL source code, placing the cursor on the first line of code of the block selected in the tree view.
If the selected block is a tree view leaf, i.e. if there are no sub-blocks, double-clicking the block name takes you to the same location.
4GL source code context-sensitive menu
This menu lets you access the functions relating to the program source. It contains several of the options in the debugger's Source menu.
This option copies the selected source code to the clipboard.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctr l+ C.
Add to monitoring
This option lets you add a selected element in the current source to the program's variable monitoring feature. The selected element can be a variable, an object, an object property or a menu option property.
With array variables, this option opens a dialog box that lets you add array elements to the variable monitoring feature.
Selection in the source is easy: a double clic for variables, or a triple clic for object properties and menu option properties.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + A.
Enable/Disable breakpoint
This option lets you enable or disable the breakpoint at the cursor's position in the current program's source.
Keyboard shortcut: F9.
Set conditional breakpoint
This option adds a conditional breakpoint at the cursor's position in the source code of the current program, or modifies the condition of an existing breakpoint.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + C.
Delete condition
This option deletes the condition of an existing conditional breakpoint.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + D.
Remove breakpoint
This option removes the breakpoint at the cursor's position in the current program's source.
Keyboard shortcut: Shift + F9.
Move to next breakpoint
This option moves the cursor to the next breakpoint in the program's source.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + F9.
Move to previous breakpoint
This option moves the cursor to the previous breakpoint in the program's source.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + F9.
This option opens a dialog box that lets you find a character string in the current source displayed in the workspace.
Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + R.
Find next
This option searches through the current source displayed in the workspace to find the next occurrence of the text selected in the source or of the most recently sought string.
Keyboard shortcut: F5.
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