To open the full page editor, select an alphanumerical variable displayed in hexadecimal form then select the Modify option in the context-sensitive menu for the Variable monitoring tab.
This editor lets you enter the value of a character string in hexadecimal form.
Values are entered directly in one of the editor's two panes, which show the hexadecimal value on the left, and its ASCII representation on the right.
It can only be used in overtype mode, meaning that characters cannot be deleted from or inserted into a string.
Modified characters are shown in red.
This button validates any modifications and changes the value of the variable in the debugged program.
This button closes the editor without validating any changes. The editor can also be closed by clicking on the X symbol.
Note: In AS/400 server part, only the 4474 first characters are displayed for a non-Unicode program, and only the 2237 first characters are displayed for a program generated in Unicode.
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