To copy files (Cpyf), choose the File copy option from the Adelia Runtime subfolder in the Adelia Studio folder.
Note: The CPYF utility can be run automatically in a batch program.
The dialog box displayed is used to copy one DB file to another regardless of their respective "physical location" and type (AS/400 or Btrieve).
Source File
Data entry
Name of the file to be copied.
Name of the library (AS/400) or directory (Btrieve) containing the file to be copied.
IP address
Location of the database server used for the source file to be copied.
This field is blank if the source file is read by a server operating on the same PC.
Port associated with the server (Btrieve or AS/400).
Radio buttons
Kind of DB
Click the radio button corresponding to the type of database containing the file to be copied: Btrieve or AS/400.
Target file
Data entry
Name of the target file.
Name of the library (AS/400) or directory (Btrieve) containing the target file.
IP address
Location of the database server used for the target file.
This field is blank if the target file is read by a server operating on the same PC.
Port associated with the server (Btrieve or AS/400).
Radio buttons
Kind of DB
Click the radio button corresponding to the type of database containing the target file: Btrieve or AS/400.
Radio buttons
The copied file's data replaces the target file's data.
The copied file's data is added to the target file's data.
Copy (validation)
This button validates the dialog box and starts copying.
This button closes the dialog box without copying.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
See also:
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