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To create the logical name for a database, select the Create option from the context-sensitive menu in the Database tab in the Server configuration dialog box.

To modify the definition of a database's logical name, you must either:

Data entry


Logical name of the database. This is the name used to identify the database for the client.
This name is used in the "DB used" field in the Create/Modify a link dialog box.


Remark associated with the database.

Database Manager

List of the (PC) Database Management Systems handled by Visual Studio.

Possible settings:


- DB2


- SQL Server

- Oracle



- PostgreSQL

- Datasource

The Datasource type is managed by the local logical servers of Adelia Web programs working without connection conservation (via the connection pool).

DB Name, Datasource (with Datasource) or URL (with JDBC)

Real name or the URL access of the database in the specified DBMS.


    • With the Btrieve type DBMS, the database name will be replaced by the path that leads to the directory in which the Btrieve files are located.
    • With the JDBC DBMS, the database name is replaced by a URL of the type:



JDBC driver

Java class implementing the JDBC driver supplied by the DBMS.

Field accessible for data input only if the JDBC DBMS is selected.


Database or datasource connection profile.

Specify a connection profile or select the value *SAME from the list. By selecting the value *SAME, you will be able to use the server connection profile to connect to the database.

The following operations are performed in the server:

    • processing,
    • database accesses.

The server is thus a client of a DBMS. As the DBMS client, it has to submit a profile in order to connect:

  • if the profile is *SAME, the server will connect to the DBMS using the profile PAUL,
  • if a specific profile is selected, the server will use this profile instead.


Password for the profile.

This field will not be available if the *SAME profile is used.

Check boxes

Default DB


The database specified in the "DB Name" field will be defined as the default database. This is the database that will be used if the value *DFT is left in the "DB used" field in the Create/Modify a link dialog box.

This database will also be used for any programs generated in "Local" mode.



This button validates the information entered and closes the dialog box.
In "creation" mode, the server will be created in the database.


This button closes the dialog box without validating the information entered.

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