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To display this page, click on the Physical servers tab in the Client configuration dialog box.

This tab is used to configure the access to physical servers .


Physical servers

List of physical servers.

For each physical server defined, the list shows the characteristics that define the access to the server:

    • the machine's name on the network,

    • the server's host name,

    • the server's IP address,

    • the communications port,

    • the server connection profile,

    • the server description.

The management functions (create, modify, delete) can be accessed using the context-sensitive menu associated with the list.

When strong encryption is enabled, the server icon displays an indicator (a key) if the server certificate is installed and if the password is RSA encrypted. The certificates can be updated via the corresponding option in the context-sensitive menu.

If, during the update, we detect that the server's public key has been modified, a warning indicator appears to show that the password for the physical server must be entered again. If the server key has changed, it is impossible to decrypt it.

Displayed data

Green button

When this button flashes, the system is checking whether it can establish the associations between the IP address and the host name.

In the server configuration, you can specify either an IP address or a host name. If the network has a DNS (Domain Name Server), the system will attempt to retrieve the IP address « host name and host name « IP address associations.

    • If the IP address « host name retrieval procedure fails, the words "Host name not resolved" will appear in the "Host name" column; despite this the configuration will be correct.

    • If the host name « IP address retrieval procedure fails, the words "Invalid host name" will appear in the "Host name" column, and the server's icon will be struck through. In this case, the server configuration will be incorrect.



This button automatically adds any servers active on the network to the server list. Any machines in the network on which the Middleware daemon is running will be considered to be servers.

Note: Only active servers in the same IP sub-network will be detected.

As a result, not all the active servers will be found if there are a number of IP sub-networks.


This button validates the modifications made and closes the dialog box.


This button closes the dialog box without validating the modifications made.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


This button validates the modifications made without closing the dialog box.

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