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To access the configuration page for integrating quality rules into the Adelia generator, click on the Generator tab of the Quality manager window.

Integrating the quality rule violation check into the program generator enables standard Adelia verification/generation information, warning or error messages to be completed with the messages defined in the user plugin quality rules (extension programs and/or rules based on regular expressions).
Quality rule violation 
is therefore integrated into the standard error management mechanism of the Adelia generator.


The configuration involves associating a quality profile with each type of program.
To avoid integrating the violation check, do not enter the quality profile for the corresponding program type (blank value).


The match between the user plugin rule severity levels and the types of verification/generation messages is established as follows:

Quality rule severity levelGenerator message type


The result is that the violation of a "blocker" severity rule makes the program generation fail.


Note that in the END_PGM expansion point of an expansion program, the "fileName" parameter never has a value when a user plugin is called in this integration into generator mode.


Specific considerations concerning the standard "Adelia" plugin:

By nature, the rules of this plugin are already taken into account by a program's standard generation mechanism. These rules are therefore ignored to prioritize messages from the generator itself.

However, if for the current program quality profile, the severity level of one of the "Adelia" plugin rules was customized with a weighting increase, this takes precedence over the standard severity level allocated by the generator to the corresponding rule.

This situation is explicitly reported in the generation message viewer and can result in a generation failure if a customized rule violation with "blocker" severity level is reported. Of course this means that the rule in question has not been fully or partially disabled for the program type concerned.

Finally, if the severity level of one of the "Adelia" plugin rules was customized with a weighting decrease, the customization is ignored, and it is the default severity level that is used for the generation.



ADELIA program

Used to enable the quality rule violation check for ADELIA programs (interactive and batch), based on the selected quality profile.

VADELIA program

Used to enable the quality rule violation check for VISUAL ADELIA programs (interactive and batch) based on the selected quality profile.

WADELIA program

Used to enable the quality rule violation check for ADELIA WEB programs (interactive and batch) based on the selected quality profile.

SADELIA program

Used to enable the quality rule violation check for ADELIA SERVER programs based on the selected quality profile.

EADELIA program

Used to enable the quality rule violation check for ADELIA EVENT programs based on the selected quality profile.

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