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To view the summary of a project's quality data, click on the Summary tab in the quality data viewer.


This tab displays a summary view of all quality data (metrics and rule exceptions) calculated for the project.

A metric is a measurement performed on a program, or on the entire project. The Adelia plugin defines a certain number of standard metrics.





Displays the list of metrics calculated during the analysis (metric name and value). When relevant, you can view per program metric value details by double-clicking the considered metric, or by selecting the "Programs" option from the list context-sensitive menu.


At the top of the list, a number of pseudo-metrics not directly derived from the analysis are displayed:

- Number of programs excluded

Number of programs referenced by the project, but not analyzed as part of the list of excluded programs.

- Number of programs without source code

Number of programs referenced by the project, but not analyzed as they contain no source code (program header only).


Context-sensitive menus

Metric list

This option opens a dialog box that displays the list of metrics per program, when relevant (metric totaled for the project), or the list of programs considered for the "programs not analyzed" pseudo-metrics.





Displays the list of rule exception severity levels, with the number of exceptions observer for each severity level.

Selecting an item in this list displays all corresponding violations.



Displays the list of rule exceptions for the severity level selected in the severity level list, along with the number of exceptions observed at the project level.

Selecting an item in this list displays all programs infringing the selected rule.



Displays the list of programs infringing the rule selected from the rule list, along with the number of exceptions observed at the program level.


Context-sensitive menus

Program list

This option opens a dialog box that displays the details of the selected program metrics.



This option opens a dialog box that displays the details of the exceptions to the rule selected in the Rule list for the selected programs.


4GL Editor

This option opens the program's source code in the Adelia 4GL editor.


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