To access the list of rule exceptions observed for a program, you must either:
- Double-click the program in one of the program lists in the quality data viewer.
- Select Violations from the program context-sensitive menu in this same list.
This dialog box displays all violations in the form of a tree list grouping violations by rule. For each violation, if the violation is associated with a specific line of source code, the preceding line of code is displayed and, depending on the type of violation, the name of the infringed rule and corresponding message are also shown.
Rule violations that are not directly associated with a line of code (e.g.: unused element in an Adelia program data environment) are grouped at the end of the violation list for the considered rule.
By default, the rule is not expanded, except if the dialog box is displayed from the list of programs infringing a rule selected in the Summary tab of the quality data viewer.
List of rule violations, grouped by rule. Double-clicking a rule definition (line with the '+' symbol on the left) expands or collapses the violation details of the rule in question.
Context-sensitive menus
Violation list
4GL Editor
This option opens the source code of the program management rule corresponding to the exception in the Adelia 4GL editor and highlights the line containing the error (this may fail if the source code as been modified in the meantime.
Closes the dialog box.
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