Working with software engineers
Roles can be defined that will contain the authorizations in the environment. Role assignment to software engineers may be:
- carried out explicitly (Adelia authentication) or
- deduced from Windows groups that the system profile associated with the software engineer belongs to, and corresponding to the Windows group associated with each role (Windows authentication).
The adusrmgr.exe utility has been added for creating/deleting software engineers via the command line and managing explicit assignments of roles to software engineers (in Adelia authentication).
Visual/Web Language
- BUILD_SQL_STMT instruction: The *GET_STMT_VALUE parameter has been added to get the content of the statement built with the value of the parameters in place of the ? character for *CLONE and *REFERENCE SQL statements.
- Predefined functions &RGB and &RGBA have been added to calculate the value of a color for RGB and RGBA formats.
- Functions VaToolBxCloudSessionStorageSetItem, VaToolBxCloudSessionStorageGetItem, VaToolBxCloudSessionStorageRemoveItem, VaToolBxCloudSessionStorageClear, VaToolBxCloudLocalStorageSetItem, VaToolBxCloudLocalStorageGetItem, VaToolBxCloudLocalStorageRemoveItem, and VaToolBxCloudLocalStorageClear have been added to enable an Adelia Cloud application to read or write data in the browser's sessionStorage and localStorage.
- Function VaToolBxCloudGetObjectWUID has been added to retrieve the internal identifier of a window or Adelia Cloud object.
- Function VaToolBxConvertBitmap has been added to convert an image from one file format to another.
- Functions VaToolBxSaveBitmap and VaToolBxSaveBitmapEx can now accept as input either a DIB in the Adelia internal format or an image in a supported format.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Visual Adelia Layout Manager - "Sequence" box:
- You can now search for objects in relation to the context-sensitive menu associated with them.
- The properties box can now be displayed for a multiple selection.
- The "Restore" option now only applies to the selected objects. Select the window itself to restore the display as a whole.
- Adelia Cloud graphical objects: Alpha transparency support has been added for graphical object colors.
- Adelia Cloud COLUMN graphical object: The INNER_HTML property has been added to produce an HTML rendering of a cell displayed in an entry field.
- Adelia Cloud MENU BAR graphical object:
- The ACTION_ELEMENT_X_AXISand ACTION_ELEMENT_WIDTH properties have been added to retrieve the position of the selected item in the menu bar.
- A notification badge has been added to the menu bar tools. This notification badge is managed by using the SET_ELEMENT_PROPERTYand SET_TOOL_PROPERTY methods.
- Adelia Cloud ICON_GRID graphical object: Properties have been added to manage the style of the icon grid (specific colours for an icon, css border): CSS_ICON_BORDER_WIDTH, CSS_ICON_BORDER_RADIUS, CSS_ICON_BORDER_STYLE, CSS_ICON_BORDER_COLOR, ICON_SPACING and ICON_BACKGROUND_COLOR.
In addition, with the SET_ICON_COLORS method, it is now possible to individually set for a tool the properties ID_GRID_TEXT_COLOR, ID_GRID_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR, ID_GRID_ICON_BACKGROUND_COLOR and ID_GRID_CSS_ICON_BORDER_COLOR. - Adelia Cloud - Explorer and open file box:
Filters have been added on the "mime" types for downloading (DownloadFilter) and for uploading (UploadFilter) in the definition of VFS.
The file list can now be sorted on all its columns.
LIST graphical object: The FILTER_CLICK property has been added to trigger the display of the filter definition box by clicking on the "Filter" field in the column header.
- Adelia Build: A template has been added to build a Web application only containing the JWT authentication server.
- Visual/Web debugger : Event Adelia applications running in an AMBSS can now be debugged.
- Adelia Studio compatibility with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 compiler.
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