The options in the Selection menu can also be accessed via the context-sensitive menu.
Show differences
This option opens the Individual comparison dialog box showing the differences for each object selected.
It is only active if one or more objects are selected.
You can also access this option by clicking the
button on the tool bar.
Open source (Environment 1/Environment 2)
This option considers which environment is specified and opens the relevant source in a 4GL editor session, irrespective of the application area to which the selected object is attached.
It is only active if one or more objects (that have a source code) are selected.
- An error message will be returned if the software engineer does not have the necessary authorities for the application area to which the object is attached, because no 4GL editor can be opened.
- If the software engineer only has authorities for one application area, the object's source will be opened in that application area.
- If the software engineer has authorities for several application areas, the system will display an application area list so that he can select the application area in which the object's source is opened.
Add to sending (Environment 1/Environment 2)
This option lets you add the selected objects to a sending, determined by which environment is specified. It opens a dialog box that lets you select a sending from among those in the environment.
It is only active if one or more objects are selected.
Add to installation (Environment 1/Environment 2)
This option lets you add the selected objects to an installation package, determined by which environment is specified.
It opens a dialog box that lets you select an installation package from among those in the environment.
It is only active if one or more programs are selected; only Visual Adelia program (VADELIA and SADELIA) type objects can be added to installation packages.
Hold (Environment 1/Environment 2)
This option considers which environment is specified and lets you assign the selected objects for correction.
It opens a selection box letting you select one of the available corrections.
It is only available if one of the environments is a correction environment, and is only active if one or more objects are selected.
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