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You can use the mouse to copy or move blocks within the same 4GL Editor session. These mouse manipulations are referred to as Drag and Drop operations.


To Drag and Drop:

  1. Hold down the mouse button over a block, while you move the mouse to the destination block (Drag),
  2. Release the mouse button at the chosen destination (Drop).


You can only Drag and Drop between tree views.


During Drag and Drop operations, the mouse cursor will show the insertion point of the block to be copied or moved, relative to the selected block:


Mouse cursor

Description of the action (copy or move operations)

Cannot perform the action at this position

Action immediately after the selected block

Action in the tree structure of the selected block

Action immediately before the selected block


Drag and Drop operations can be interrupted at any time by pressing the Esc key or by clicking the right mouse button.


You can also Drag and Drop using the right mouse button. In this case, when you release the mouse button, a context-sensitive menu will appear, containing the following options:


Move here

Moves (Cut/Paste) the block from its initial position to its new position, as determined by the appearance of the mouse cursor when the button is released; see above.


Copy here

Copies (Copy/Paste) the block to its new position, as determined by the appearance of the mouse cursor when the button is released; see above.



Cancels the Drag and Drop operation.


When you Drag and Drop using the left mouse button, the button triggers a default action. The default action will be different, depending whether the block is Drag and Dropped in the original document or between two documents:

- in a single document:

the block will be moved (Cut/Paste),

- between two documents:

the block will be copied (Copy/Paste).


When the destination document in the Drag and Drop operation is hidden by another document, you can bring it to the foreground by pressing any key (except the Esc key, which cancels the action).

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