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The decentralized translation tool is an add-on utility for the Adelia Studio translation manager.

This tool enables you to:

  • export constants for translation by the Translation manager in an Excel file,

  • and then to import the content of this Excel file to the Translation manager.

The export process creates two types of Excel file:

NB:  Since version 14.3.0, exports and imports are no longer carried out using Excel client COM APIs but via XlsxToolBx DLL APIs. You can now export and import from a machine without MS Office installed. However, in the machine's middleware client configuration file (mwclient.ini), you need to define a logical server called *DOC_SERVER. This needs to be associated with a physical server pointing to a Java middleware daemon (and the file paths need to be accessible by this Java middleware daemon).


To open the decentralized translation tool, open an MS-DOS command window, and then run the command GTRADD <Environment name>.

Data entry

Source language

Used to select the source translation language (either the development language or one of the languages created in the Translation manager).


Translation languages

Used to select the languages the translations will be into.

If a single language is selected, the tool will ask you to select the name of the file(s) to process (import or export). If several languages are selected, the tool will ask you to select the directory containing the files to process.

Check boxes

Import control

This box, which is checked by default, checks that the constant or message text in the development language entered in the Excel file matches the current text of the constant in the environment.

If it does not, an error is generated in the log and the translation is not imported.

Import constants

This box, which is checked by default, indicates if the import needs to process the constants. It replaces the associated confirmation message in previous versions.

Import messages

This box, which is checked by default, indicates if the import needs to process the error messages. It replaces the associated confirmation message in previous versions.

Comments (development)

This box, which is unchecked by default, indicates if the import needs to re-import the comments from the development language.

Comments (pivot)

This box, which is unchecked by default, indicates if the import needs to re-import the comments from the translated language (standard Excel template) or the pivot language (ADELIA V2 or REFLEXDOC Excel template).



This button opens a dialog box that lets you specify the export criteria.


Make sure you have selected at least one translation language (the language in which the translations will be retrieved). This language must match the one used when exporting (specified in the second tab of the Excel file).

If a single target language is selected, the user will be asked to select the Excel files containing the translations (according to the "Import constants" and "Import messages" boxes).

If several languages are selected, the user will be asked to specify the directory containing the files to import. All the Excel files in this directory will be analyzed and processed for the selected languages and the import choice made (constants and/or messages).

Note: when the import has ended, a Windows message box indicates whether or not the process completed successfully. If it has failed, the list of errors can be viewed in the log file associated with the Excel file which generated the errors, located in the export/import directory. A language which generated errors is displayed in red in the list of translation languages. The log file can be accessed directly via the context-sensitive menu in the "File name" column.

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