To add or modify an AS/400 server configuration file, check the AS/400 servers radio button and click the Add or Modify button of the Client/Server configurator dialog box.
This dialog box is used to specify information for the connection of the AS/400 server with an AS/400.
Displayed data
Directory containing the file.
Data entry
Name of the file.
In adding mode, the name is proposed; we recommend that you do not change it.
This field is protected in modification mode.
Connection profile.
Important note: The connection profile must have the HA2SLIB library in its associated library list.
Password associated with the connection profile.
IP address
IP address of the AS/400 chosen as destination of the connection (TCP/IP protocol).
Port used for the connection.
Save (validation)
This button saves the AS/400 server configuration file in the work directory and closes the dialog box.
Save as (validation)
This button opens a dialog box which is used to specify another directory in which the configuration file will be saved.
This button closes the dialog box without saving the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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