DspDbr is an Adelia utility for PC database files (physical or logical Btrieve files). This utility is equivalent to the "DSPFD" (Display file description) and "DSPDBR" (Display database relations) AS/400 commands.
To call up the DspDbr utility, choose the DSPDBR option from the Adelia Runtime subfolder, in the Adelia Studio folder.
The dialog box displayed (Windows system dialog box) is used to open a data file. Both logical and physical files can be opened.
Look in
List of drives and directories.
List of files of the selected directory, and which match the filter selected in the list box below.
Files of type
Filter applied to the list of files.
Data entry
File name
Name of the file to be opened. The name can either be entered directly or selected from the files list.
Check boxes
Open as read-only
Checked |
The file is opened in read-only mode, which means that it cannot be modified. |
Open (validation)
This button opens a dialog box displaying the description and relations of a Btrieve file.
This button closes de dialog box without validating the choices made.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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