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The client/server configurator is used to define the settings of:

  • the file read by the program generated by Adelia and used to locate the data files (client part);

  • the file containing the parameters used by the AS/400 server when on connection (AS/400 server part).

When the program generated in C language is run, it uses the data from the configuration files located in its current directory. If the data is not found, it browses the contents of the PATH system variable.



To call the Client/server configurator, choose the Client-Server configuration option from the Adelia Runtime subfolder, in the Adelia Studio folder. It can also be accessed via the application launcher provided with the runtime, or via the list of shortcuts associated with the Adelia icons in the task bar.


The dialog box displayed is used to open a configuration file.


Radio buttons


Click the radio button corresponding to the type of configuration file you want to add or modify: Clients or AS/400 servers.


Displayed data

Work directory

Work directory containing the configuration file.



List of configuration files

Configuration file name.

Client configuration file: HACLNSRV.INI.

AS/400 server configuration file: HAAS400.AS4.

There is only one configuration file per work directory, and this file always has the same name.



Modify (work directory)

This button opens a Windows system dialog box which is used to select another work directory.



This button is active when the list does not contain any configuration files.


Modify (list of configuration files)

This button is not active when no configuration file is selected in the list.



This button opens a dialog box which is used to confirm the deletion of the selected configuration file.

It is not active when no configuration file is selected in the list.



This button closes the dialog box without opening the client/server configuration file.

Keyboard shortcut: Esc.


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