To specify the class generation parameters, you must either:
Select the Generate option from the Class menu of the 4GL Editor or the corresponding icon on the toolbar.
Click the Generate button in the Object Manager's Classes tab after checking the Source and Parameters boxes.
Select the Generate with parameters suboption of the Submit for generation option in the context-sensitive menu for the Maintenance Manager's Results and Storage tabs.
Select the Generate with parameters suboption of the Submit for generation option in the context-sensitive menu for the Multisource Search tool's Results and Storage tabs.
This dialog box lets you edit the generation parameters and run the generation procedure.
Check boxes
Remove sources
Checked |
The source files generated will be deleted after compilation of the object. |
By default: box checked.
Create object
Checked |
The source generated will be compiled. |
By default: box checked.
Avro production
Checked |
Generation of additional Avro Java classes in order to execute VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka and VaToolBxSendToAvroKafkaWithKey with the Adelia class being generated. |
By default: box checked.
The Adelia class is always generated in the same way (in the form of a POJO) whether or not Avro production is checked.
When Avro production is checked, additional classes are produced.
Example of generation of an Adelia MYCLASS class
=> | | compiled to produce the POJO |
=> | | compiled: class used by VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka |
=> | | compiled: class used by the AMBSS to populate an Adelia class from the deserialization of a Kafka message |
=> | MYCLASS.avdl | |
A class will be produced (via an .avsc file) from the .avdl file. The classes resulting from the compilation of this file will be used when executing VaToolBxSendToAvroKafka and VaToolBxSendToAvroKafkaWithKey. avdl code-like language translated into .avsc or .avpr using avro-tools.jar |
Java (POJO for Adelia Web Service)
Checked |
The class will be generated as a POJO that can be used for Adelia web services. |
Java (POJO for Adelia Cloud)
Checked |
The class will be generated as a POJO that can be used for Cloud generated Visual Adelia programs. |
Java (POJO for Java Server)
Checked |
The class will be generated as a POJO that can be used for Java generated SADELIA programs. |
Checked |
The parameters defined in the environment attributes are used by default. |
Note: when the boxes are all unchecked, the ";default"; box is automatically rechecked.
Checked |
The Generate button submits the generation job for the class. |
This box is active only if the generation is launched from the 4GL editor.
When active (default): value in the Submit L3G generation box of the environment tab of the Editor options dialog box.
When not active, it takes the value of the Submit box specified at the level of the class management.
Generate (validation)
Validates any changes and runs the requested generation job.
Closes the dialog box without validating any changes or running the generation job.
Keyboard shortcut: Esc.
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