4GL Editor
- In the source, blocks of comments or delimited statements (IF/END, DO_WHILE/REDO, READ_LST/END_READ_LST, etc.) can now be collapsed or expanded in the same way as closing paragraph source blocks.
It is also possible to request that, by default, when opening a source, blocks of comment lines are collapsed (Mask comments when opening a document option in the "Environment" tab of the editor options). - Highlighting occurrences of a word: Occurrences of a word can now be highlighted for up to four words simultaneously ("Mark - style 1", "Mark - style 2", "Mark - style 3", "Mark - style 4" options in the context-sensitive menu for a word). The Clear all option deletes the marking of all current occurrences. You can define the display styles for these occurrences in the "Display" tab of the editor options.
- A column selection mode has been added which is accessed by expanding the selection and holding down the Shift and Alt keys.
Important: To have "standard" shortcuts for column selection, the shortcut keys for managing tab placement have changed (Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys instead of Shift + Alt + arrow keys). - The selected lines can now be moved up (Ctrl+Shift+Up) or down (Ctrl+Shift+Down).
- Selection shortcuts have been added:
- With a single click, Ctrl+Alt keys select a full line of code, taking into account continued lines (Ctrl already selected the line).
- With a double click, the Alt key selects a delimited expression (string constants ' ', expressions in brackets (), square brackets [] or braces {}). The selection includes the delimiters if the Windows key is also pressed.
- Visual Adelia source: When creating an object block ("Add objects" option) in the INITIALIZATION, VERIFICATION, VALIDATION, SFTKYS_PROCESS blocks, you can now choose whether you want to create it at the start or end of the block.
- Improved tab management:
- Drag & drop for reorganizing the tab bar now activates immediately.
- Clicking on a tab with the middle mouse button now closes the document.
- Options have been added to the context-sensitive menu of a tab to close all tabs, all unmodified tabs, all tabs apart from the active tab or tabs to the right or left of the active tab.
- Documents which were open when the editor was closed can now be automatically reopened when starting the editor. This feature is enabled by checking the Reopen documents when starting the editor box in the "Environment" tab of the editor options.
- Search in a source:
- Constants and comments can now be excluded from the search scope.
- The search parameters are now saved when the editor is closed.
- An option has been added to the context-sensitive menu in the source tree view to alphabetically sort Window, Page, Objects, Event, Procedure and Breaks sub-blocks when possible.
- The Copy the name option has been added to the source tree view context-sensitive menu in Window, Page, Procedure and Breaks blocks.
- The Ctrl+Del keyboard shortcut deletes the current line or, if a selection has been made, all the lines in the selection.
- The Toggle code case (or Shift + ) toggles the case of the 4GL code elements without changing the case of string constants or comments.
- The Paste the code option automatically puts code pasted into a document in upper case if the Adjust case automatically during input option ("Source formatting" tab in editor options) is enabled for the document.
- Object inspector: The object description has been added to the program and error message tooltips.
- Visual Adelia/Web/Cloud source The editor goes to the procedure source when using the Open source option in a public procedure call instruction.
- Visual Adelia/Web/Cloud source - Object inspector: The end-of-line comment (/* ...) according to the declaration of a variable is now displayed in the variable tooltip.
- Visual Adelia/Web/Cloud source The logical server context-sensitive menu now displays the server color and no longer has a size limit.
- A document can now be opened in read-only mode if the Shift key is held down when requesting the opening of a document in the editor (wherever source opening is requested: "Repository" menu of the editor, Object manager, Object search, etc.).
Double-clicking on the status bar icon now switches between read-only and write mode (rather than simply to write mode).
Translation manager
- The Split option now enables the user to choose whether the new constant uses the translations carried out before the split or whether it does not contain a translation (only case handled until now).
- List of translated constants or messages: when the user changes language, the displayed constants or messages are now kept (following a selection or search). Only their translation is changed according to the chosen language.
The utility now enables the user to select several languages to export, and to import several languages simultaneously.
When importing, the tool no longer overwrites an existing translation (for a level 1 constant or message) if the translation was not entered in the Excel file.
The tool now allows the conditional import of comments.
Visual/Web Language
CONST Instruction: This instruction is used to declare named constants in a program.
- PREPARE_MSG: For VADELIA programs, the name of the object on which the error message needs to be prepared can now be specified via an ALPHA variable containing the name of the graphic control.
The VaToolBxConvertAdeliaPassword function has been added to encrypt a password in a mode used by Adelia configuration files (MWCLIENT.INI, MWSERVER.INI), or to convert a password already encrypted in "Adelia" mode into another Adelia encryption mode (provided that it is more secure).
VaToolBxGetLogLevel and VaToolBxSetLogLevel functions have been added to control the activation of loggers (Windows log4c or Java log4j).
VaToolBxAlphaToBase64 and VaToolBxBase64ToAlpha functions have been added to encode or decode the content of an alpha string in base64 (stored in an alpha variable).
VaToolBxAlphaToBase64Image and VaToolBxBase64ImageToAlpha functions have been added to encode or decode the content of an alpha string in base64 (stored in an image variable).
VaToolBxAlphaToImage and VaToolBxImageToAlpha functions have been added to transfer the content of an alpha variable to an image variable and vice versa.
For Windows and Java server platforms, SADELIA programs can now be generated in multiple languages to take their translatable constants into account. When executing, the language must be set on the server side using the VaToolBxSetServerLanguage function.
Adelia Cloud
- New SWITCH graphical object: A switch is a control with two statuses: active and inactive. When the object is in active status, the object changes color and is shaded if not.
- New NATS subscriber graphical object: This object is used to connect to a NATS message broker, subscribe to subjects (Core NATS or JetStream) and receive message notifications as events in the program.
- MENU BAR graphical object: Properties have been added to display a "menu" tool over several lines (_MBA_LINE_HEIGHT, _MBA_FIRST_VISIBLE_LINE, _MBA_LINE_COUNT, _MBA_HIDE_SCROLL_BUTTONS, ACTION_ELEMENT_Y_AXIS).
- Layout manager: Specific Adelia Cloud graphical objects (HTML FRAME, CAMERA, ICON GRID, SWITCH, MENU BAR, ACCORDION MENU, AJAX REQUEST, SIGNATURE, UPLOAD) now display an icon allowing them to be identified in the Visual layout manager.
- Language: VaToolBxCloudSetDesktopTitle and VaToolBxCloudGetDesktopTitle functions have been added to retrieve or define the browser tab title in a Cloud application.
Language - VaToolBxCloudSetSupersededAdeliaPrinterPdfAttributes: The "ProtectionPolicy" attribute has been added to manage PDF password protection.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Source code repository: Source repository support has been added to the object search, multisource search and correction manager.
- Correction Manager : A triggered exit program for a correction can now be defined using the Set "To be validated" or Cancel "To be validated" option.
- List Graphical Object : _EXP_LST_TEXT_FORMAT_WITH_HEADER, _EXP_LST_CSV_FORMAT_WITH_HEADER, _EXP_LST_TEXT_FORMAT_WITHOUT_HEADER and _EXP_LST_CSV_FORMAT_WITHOUT_HEADER formats have been added to the "FileFormat" parameter of the EXPORT_LIST method.
- Adelia Print Engine:
- Two parameters, oncolor and offcolor, have been added to the barcode macro (of the ZXing barcode module) to set a barcode foreground and background color.
- A new function, hardisCore.encodedMessage, has been added to return a localized text according to an alphanumeric key and template execution locale, using a ".properties" file for which encoding is passed as a parameter.
- When using mergedoc and mergeandtransform web services, Ape-Template-Url and Ape-Template-Loader HTTP headers can be added. These return the URL of the executed template file and the description in JSON format of the template loader which loaded the executed template file respectively.
- In production mode, the APE now supports JWT authentication, for which the signature needs to be validated using a JWK (JSON Web Key) contained in a JWKS (JWK Set).
- Database management tool (DbTool): When used with Adelia scripts (environments/buffers), the database management tool now displays the databases registered in the Adelia catalog instead of the database manager client catalog (for import, export, copy and update functions).
- A 64-bit version of the ACRPE has been added, using the Crystal Reports 64-bit runtime.
- The delegate_printing option has been added to delegate printing (on the printer) to the Adelia print utility.
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